Alphabet Incubator (AI) adalah Research Centre yang berperan sebagai enterprise yang memiliki ecosystem untuk sukses melahirkan startup corporate creativepreneur.
Alphabet Incubator (AI) berperan dalam membantu mensukseskan program pemerintah, seiring dengan perkembangan Revolusi Industri 4.0 yang tertuang didalam RIRN, dan meningkatkan daya saing kampus sebagai incubator menghadapi tantangan Era Disrupsi.
Alphabet Incubator (AI) is a Research Center that acts as an enterprise that has an ecosystem to successfully create a corporate creativepreneur startup. Alphabet Incubator (AI) is formed in the nuances of Pribadi Raharja universe alignment, despite possessing the potential of the galaxy, yet still harmonically align in a Grand Design Orchestra, orbiting snew creativepreneur stars in order to succeed Caturdarma Research, Service and Culture, with horizons and insights of Creative Innovation. Alphabet Incubator (AI) plays key role in helping the success of government programs, along with the development of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 contained in RIRN, and increasing campus competitiveness as incubators facing the challenges of the Disruption Age.